
Wednesday, 9 January 2019

Summer Learning Journey Week 4 Day 3 Activity's 1-3

Day 3

Activity 1: Predator Free 2050 – A Call to Arms [4 points]
On your blog, tell us which one of the videos you liked the best and why...
Predator Free Video #1: Cacophony Project
Predator Free Video #2: Taranaki Mounga Project
Predator Free Video #3: Zero Invasive Predators (ZIP)
My Opinion/
I overjoyed watching video 1 I enjoyed video 1 because last last year some of the kids did kind of the same thing with my teacher Mrs Middleton but they weren't able to finish up all the research and find out what's going on so us as her students did exactly what they did but we used resources and we researched everything we needed it is now 2019 we still haven't finished what we were doing but I did learn a lot with Mrs Middleton.

Activity 2: Protecting the Most Vulnerable - Fact or Fiction?

On your blog, post three facts that you learned about the Māui Dolphin. Then, using your imagination, create three more statements about Māui dolphins that are not true (i.e. false). Please don’t tell us which of your statements about Māui Dolphins are true and which are false. It will be the job of the students and staff who read your blog to figure it out.

1. Maui dolphin's have big teeth at the back and tiny teeth in the front.
2. Maui Dolphin's don't really have good hearing but they do Maui and Hector's are the only dolphins with a bad -rounded black dorsal fin.
3. Maui Dolphin's live up to the age of 20 unlike some other dolphins.

Activity 3: The Power of Ten [10 points]
On your blog, list 10 species (animals or plants) that you would protect from extinction. For each one, give a reason as to why you think it is important to protect.
1. Rafflesia flower.

2. Maui Dolphin's.

3. White Tiger.

4. Hawksbill Turtle.

5. Golf porpoise.

6. Black Rhino.

7. Sumatran Rhino.

8. Cynometra beddomei.

9. Viola Cryana.

10. Black lion.

I have chosen to protect these Animal's and Plant's because they need protection and also because I do not want them to be extinct and be taken away from there home's.


  1. Hello Poitirere

    My name is Daniel and I am part of the Summer Learning Journey program. Well done on completing these three activities - you've done a great job so far. Just remember to read the instructions for the activities carefully as you forgot to give a reason why you would protect those 10 species. Anyway, keep up the awesome work Poitirere, I hope to see more blog posts from you soon.


  2. Kia orana Daniel,

    My name is Poitirere but you can just call me Lili as it sounds easier,

    Thank you for taking your generous time and commenting on my blog I really appreciate it.

    Oh yes thank you very much for correcting me I will give a reason now,
    Anyway's Talk soon,

    (: Lili
