
Thursday, 18 January 2018

Summer Learning Journey

Week Four: Contemporary Kiwis

Welcome to Week Four, and the final five days of our journey! Over the past three weeks we have travelled across time and learned about what life was like in New Zealand in the 19th and 20th centuries. We have now reached the 21st Century and are ready to learn about modern life in New Zealand.

Cool Kiwi Fact #5: Sign language became the third official language of New Zealand (alongside Te Reo Māori and English) in 2006.

Day 1: Turn of the Century (2000-2010)

Activity 1:  Celebrating a Win

In 2000, the country of New Zealand celebrated when Russell Coutts and his sailing team won their second straight America’s Cup. This was the first time that a team from New Zealand had won back-to-back championships! Many people celebrated the victory with their friends and family.

On your blog, tell us what you and your family do to celebrate special events, such as birthdays. Do you have a special meal or go to a specific place? In our house, we usually make a pizza and bake a special cake. What about you?

What my family does to celebrate is that
every time we got or set up a birth day we always celebrate it and we also cook
pig tunu puaka, taro leaves and lamb Lu sipi, frut salad mixed with all kind
of fruit otai .

Activity 2: Lord of the Rings
Arguably one of the most famous movie trilogies of
all time, The Lord of the Rings, was filmed in New

Zealand. All three movies were directed by a New
Zealander named Peter Jackson.
The first movie was released in 2001, the second in
2002 and the third in 2003. The movies cost an
estimated $300 million to produce!  

Imagine that instead of spending the money on the
movies, Peter Jackson decided to give all of this
money to you. Lucky you!
On your blog, tell us what you would do with $300
million dollars. How would you spend it? It is a lot of
money so please think carefully about it and spend it

first of all I would get two money jars. Which is the saving jar and the
donation and the left overs which is like about 200/300 left I would give it
to Peter Jackson, or give it to my grandma/caregiver.
Bonus Activity: The Rise of the ‘Selfie’

Although most of you are quite familiar with the idea of
taking a ‘selfie’ (picture of ourselves), this was not always
the case. In fact, it wasn’t until the early 2000s that
people started talking about the idea of a selfie, taking
selfies and posting them online.

In honour of the rise in popularity of the ‘selfie,’ take a selfie
and post it on your blog. Try to show us at least one of
your hobbies or one your favourite things (maybe a special
toy or book). For example, here is a selfie of Hazel drinking
a big mug of tea, and Rachel with her son, Aronui, attending
a Paw Patrol

Me and my Cousin spending time together.
 A time I will miss.


1 comment:

  1. Hey Lily thank you for sharing how your family like to celebrate special occasions. I like how you have gone into detail describing the different kinds of food and drink you prepare and eat.

    Do you and your family play any games or sports on these occasions?

    You sound like you're financially sensible and wouldn't waste any of the $300 million. It's great to hear that you want to help out friends and family before looking after yourself. $300 million is a lot of money, so you will definitely have some that you can spend on yourself. What would you buy for yourself?

    I would buy myself some cool new toys, like a helicopter, jetski, a big boat and maybe a house. That would be awesome!

    Thanks, Billy
